Via Montenapoleone 8 Milano operates as a business network providing assistance in internationalisation, logistic, and supply chain management (LSCM) for its member companies belonging to the luxury fashion industry.

Worldwide, the overall luxury market size in 2019 was worth approximately 1.2 trillion euros, with about 4 percent growth every year (McKinsey, 2019).

Luxury is an industry attracting practitioners, investors, and researchers’ attention due to its large size, fast growth, and alluring margins (Chiu et al., 2018).

In today’s globalized economies and markets, luxury goods are manufactured through very complex supply chains that extend globally (Kathiala, 2020) and involve numerous players, including many small-scale, highly specialized suppliers closely controlled by large brand owners (Brun and Moretto, 2014).

For this reason, in the luxury industry, logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) and the internationalisation entry and growth strategy are crucial for business success (Brun et al., 2008).

In particular, Via Montenapoleone 8 Milano, operates towards markets of Turkey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Italy, where it supports the creation of temporary or flagship showrooms and networking hubs to stimulate knowledge and competencies sharing and transfer between business network actors.

The internationalisation strategy is focused mainly on the Chinese markets such as China and Japan, where it can count on a network of businesses and institutional partners with 20 years of experience with a double specific competence: market and sector.

By operating as a catalyser for its network of interconnected firms, institutions, research institutes, and technology centres, it creates synergies between members’ competencies by sharing know-how, physical facilities, distribution channels, and opening commercial routes in the target market, and fostering innovations.

Formative activities, knowledge transfer services, weekly news, calls for project alerts, commercial material hosting, and matchmaking for initiatives (and projects) are freely and continuously offered to members.

Its specialised experience in supply chain and product management can be requested by its members anytime. Other services, such as events management and hub sharing, are available for all members.

The main advantage for members is the possibility to expand in target markets thanks to Via Montenapoleone 8 Milano’s network and the already built partnerships that aim to facilitate relationships between cross-sectorial operators allowing best practices sharing.

“Independent companies get supported by business network to develop a collective internationalization strategy where best practices are shared, and decision-making processes are supported”

(Holm et al., 1996)

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